Friday, May 01, 2009

I changed my mind...

About carrying on with this blog. I will be discontinuing my writings here. 

Two reasons: 1.  Having taken many months to feel safe enough to let one or two new people into my life, and to rebuild my safety net, I have no urge to tell my abusive ex-partner, who has this url, about the details of my new relationships. 2.  I feel that the anonymous blog has achieved only a very small part of what I hoped for it, and that my energies are better focused elsewhere. My energy for extraneous activities is still very much limited since last year. 

If and when I decide to start journalling again, I will contact those of you I know personally and let you know where my new url is. 

To the one or two people I don't know, who have commented or emailed to thank me for writing, I send you my best wishes and hope you will continue following the adventures of other poly writers, and perhaps if I start writing again we will find each other in a different place.

In the meantime I leave this closing thought (and how I came to it): 

It is possible to be mentally ill *and* a bastard. 

When I was in my teens I went out bar-hopping with some friends of mine, and one of the guys in our group was sitting facing roughly into a walkway, although not by any means in the way. A guy using a wheelchair came in, and rather than carefully moving around us, casually ran over my friend's foot. My friend, in quite a lot of pain, gave him a mouthful of the choicest expletives he knew and pointed out in no uncertain terms that using a wheelchair does not give you the right to not look where you are going. 

The rest of us were mortified - it's somehow taboo in this society to speak ill of the physically or mentally disabled. We couldn't believe he had done that. 

The guy in the wheelchair stopped, stared, and said thankyou. He apologised for having been a careless arse, and thanked my friend for having treated him like a normal person, rather than a thing to be wrapped in cotton wool and pandered to. They didn't become firm friends or anything sappy like that - frankly the wheelchair guy, apart from his stopping to say thankyou, was a bit of an arse. A whole group of us learned that evening though, that being able-bodied doesn't mean that a person who is otherwise has the right to roll over you. 

So where am I going with this? 

Early-ish in our relationship, a certain person mentioned to me  that he had previously been diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder, but had 'cured' himself of it. Thus setting himself up very handily, both as the 'person who needs to be wrapped in cotton wool and pandered to' but with an added flavour of 'but I'm saying I'm sane now, and you have to buy it or risk alienating me' - and so I bought it. Hook, line and sinker. Survivor Sympathy, and special status in one easy step. Frankly, whether what he told me was truth, lie or imagination didn't really matter, as it became slowly clear (unfortunately after I had left the country with him) that something was definitely up. 

Certain events took place that made me realise that Mountain was either still suffering from some sort of mental illness, or manipulative to the point of pathology anyway. He could act in very violent and agressive ways, and ten minutes later tell me with clear and innocent eyes that I had started acting weirdly towards him for no reason. - The morning it became unbearably clear to me was at Duchess's house, when I was packing up my clothes to leave for the day at her request, and he spent some time telling me loudly how selfish and worthless and pathetic I was, and how he never wanted to see me again. Yet not more than an hour later this had never happened - he described the event as himself 'asking me for cuddles and reassurance' and me turning cold and attacking him out of the blue.

There was definitely something wrong. The events of that morning only made it heart-breakingly clear. Trouble was, I was still in sympathy mode. I imagined what it must be like for a person who believes he has been verbally attacked at random by his partner (all too easily, as I'd been in that situation myself earlier - what a coincidence), and my heart bled. 

It took me one more serious physical attack*, and police advisement to remove myself, the unlawful confiscation of my property for several months, and the non-return of my life savings to realise what I probably should have earlier. That even if the things he was telling me I had done and was planning to do had been true. If I had plotted and schemed to 'break his heart', to 'damage his trust in people' and to 'line up my next shag' behind his back (a particularly odd accusation from someone supposedly polyamorous), and even if I had decided to 'willfully damage his property'  - i.e. that box of his CDs that I dropped whilst having my property illegally taken from me. Even if all that was true - Nothing, nothing at all justifies the level of violence he used on me. The attempt to cause me grievous bodily harm (yes, I mean this - a permanently damaged knee joint counts as GBH), the threats to break my fingers, arms and legs, and worse. And the calculated use of the rental vehicle as cover to avoid any of this being seen by actual eye-witnesses. Not a jot of that was the mental illness. That part was pure malevolence. 

I spent months making excuses for a man who was acting like a bastard, convinced that the mental illness 'making him' act in this way was all the more reason he needed me. I bent over backwards to pander to his paranoia, foolishly giving him access to my money, my property, my emotional well-being, and not expecting anything in return. I should, perhaps have heeded the maxim 'We do not see things as they are. We see them as We are' - and realised that his paranoia was based on the fact that his motives were, perhaps, not quite as pure as he pretended. 

Lesson learned, I feel. Though far, far too long in the coming. 

And I hope that some day my experience can prevent someone else going through the same pain. 

I may perhaps return as occasional therapy, to write about the things that I didn't mention at the time they happened, which I should really have paid attention to (for example how I came to forgive a certain person for attempting to throw me out of a moving vehicle, but couldn't do the same when he simply called me a 'selfish bitch'). While I was focusing on this as a blog about polyamory, these things weren't relevant: They were attributes of a physically and emotionally abusive relationship, not specifically a poly one, but I think there are still more lessons to be learned nonetheless, and perhaps revisiting them at some point might help someone else avoid going through the same experiences. 

For all intents and purposes though, please consider this online journal ended. It marks a three-year phase in the life of a person who I don't even really identify as me any more. I have changed a lot in a few months, and I realise that it's time to move on, not just from the horrors of my relationship with Mountain, but also the threads of internalised shame and monogamous-styled emotional blackmail unintentionally laced through my earlier relationships by well-meaning but ultimately destructive friends and lovers. I am going into the cocoon, and will emerge unrecognisable. 

It has been a long and tough crawl to get this far, but I look forward to flying. 

Love to you all,



*I've not even talked about the violence before we left Canada, and I still struggle to, even with trusted friends - not so much because of what it was, but because I feel so bloody stupid for having gone back afterwards for more. One day, though. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Breaking my silence

I think it's time...

I haven't been wanting to talk about things. And I haven't wanted to talk about not wanting to talk about things, either, it just sounds so... well, victim-ish, and I don't like that idea much. It's just not me. What else do you call yourself though, when a partner, someone you trusted, gets under your skin so completely, and then turns on you so violently as to leave you still having nightmares, and panic attacks five months on?
Mountain left me not knowing who I could trust and feeling unsafe around even my closest friends. It feels a little like overreaction now, but at the time it took me weeks to feel safe even leaving the house. I still don't really know how to feel... whether it's even worth my caring about, I'm just tired. At the end of the day, I think it doesn't/didn't matter, anyway. The practical difference between dealing with someone who has psychological/emotional issues and can't or won't see it, or someone who just happens to be a manipulative and evil bastard... there's very little in it. You can think and feel what you like, but the actions needed to protect oneself are the same. I just feel a little stupid that I let things go as far as they did before I took those steps. 

Knowing who to trust? That's always going to be hard, and harder now - having known Mountain for over a year before anything started worrying me. There's always afterwards going to be that little nagging doubt. I am working on patching the holes in my safety net, at least, and making a nest for myself that I can stay quiet in for a while. Knowing I have friends in the City, and good ones, and friends outside too, that's a comfort that's got me through the last few months. Though there have been ups and downs with that too - the rant below was written whilst going through a particularly rough patch. I was tempted to delete it, as it has sat in my drafts for a long while now, but there are plenty of days when I still feel that way, and I think it will take a long time to go away. 

There will be more soon, I think. I've finally got some energy to think about things, and the distance to not be shaking as I type. It's been a long few months, and whilst there hasn't been a whole lot going on in relationship terms - I've been far too fragile to even consider it - there has been plenty going on inside my head. Perhaps not in the next few days, but I think it will be within weeks, rather than months now, to my next post. 

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fuck it. (In no particular order.)

(Written 23/11/08, posted 16/02/09)
Fuck liars, fuck cheats, fuck people too goddamn cowardly to *be* who they are, fuck overbearing bullies with god complexes, fuck people who can't be arsed to let me know what's going on in their lives. Fuck 'nice guys', fuck 'bad boys', fuck miserable bitches who like to make complete strangers' lives miserable, fuck blind monogamites and so-called friends who think it's fine to use you for fun and then leave you behind without even a 'see ya' when they meet a new date . Fuck drunken tossers with no respect for other people or their property. Fuck Dicks that think they're Doms, and sick people that think they're sane. Fuck people you care about who refuse to look after themselves. Fuck alcoholics that don't admit they have a problem . Fuck people who hurt you deliberately and then say sorry and expect it to go away. Fuck families you can't live with, abusive partners, tedious fucking dayjobs that you have to grit your teeth and suck up because your psycho fucking ex screwed you over for a few thousand pounds. Fuck friends that ask advice and a shoulder to cry on and then ignore every fucking word. Fuck hypocrites, fuck stupid people, incompetent people, smart people with shitty motives, manipulative people. Fuck selfish people, clingy people, people who think they know better, fuck coming home to a cold and empty house on a day when it's pissing with rain and not even having the energy left to make tea. Fuck fairytales and happy endings and all the shit they pump into you as a kid that makes everything that really comes to pass seem like a kick in the teeth. Fuck dreams, fuck caring about stuff, and definitely fuck caring about people. Fuck getting screwed over by one shitty situation after another. Fuck love, lust, romance, intrigue and anything else that means people using you how they feel and then leaving you in a little pile on the floor. Fuck marriage and kids and 'normality' and emotional blackmail. Fuck the treadmill, fuck terrorists, fuck rapists and murderers and muggers, and the tabloids that know all too well that these things sell papers. Fuck living in fear and pent up rage. Fuck 'turning the other cheek', fuck feeling so goddamned powerless to change *anything*. Fuck not knowing who to trust any more, and *all* of the options for dealing with that. Fuck disillusionment. Fuck everything. Fuck LIFE.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Best Song Title Ever

And I guess I can say it reminds me of someone

"Bloody Mother F**king Asshole", by Martha Wainwright

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
When all I wanted was to be good
To do everything in truth
To do everything in truth

You bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody...

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
For you, whoever you are
For you, whoever you are
For you, whoever you are

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I'm sitting in Nice Guy's front room doing some work and just watched a turquoise long wheel base van pull up and park directly outside the house, which reminded me that I hadn't updated here in a while. 

I haven't got a whole lot of time as I'm off out to see some friends this evening, but I just wanted to pop a message up to the effect that I'm doing okay. I've had concerned messages from a few people, and I will admit I was a mess for a good (or bad) long while, but I've got myself a job, I'm doing some enforced saving since I got my wallet stolen and don't have an account card right now, but that's maybe a good thing, too, as it means I'll have a flat deposit all the sooner. I'm getting into a routine with things, and I'm finally starting to feel... well, actually quite optimistic about things. 

I'll catch up in more detail later, as it's been six weeks and there's been a lot going on in my mind, but to all of you who care about me and read this - I'm doing fine, and thankyou. 




Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I'm still processing events from last week, and from the last few months. Slowly resolving how I feel about things. At the moment mostly tired, sad, a bit cheated. A lot of the things I was feeling before, but a little more detached from it all.

Nice Guy has been lovely again, as has Tallboy - he came round for dinner with both of us last night before flying back to the Goldfish Bowl, which was rather good, and I had the sweetest text from Polymath (who hasn't answered his emails this week, however... *nudge*). I'm still finding myself a bit paranoid though - it seems to be contagious. The whole mess with Mountain has made me doubt everything I've ever believed about people and my own character judgement, and I'm constantly metaphorically and literally looking over my shoulder at the moment (and have developed some rather Tourette's like symptoms as a result, since I tend to swear when I catch myself doing it).

Ah well, there is plenty of distraction. NG has a visitor from tomorrow for the next few days, and we're going to see Avenue Q (for the third time, in my case, but it really is good so I don't mind a bit). Then there's Polyday and my Gay Fiancee's housewarming at the weekend, which I'm really looking forward to. And at some point I'm hoping to catch up with Optimus, who moved to the City as of yesterday, but will be running around like a thing that runs around a lot for a few months, apparently. I realise I've not seen Miss or Mr Matrix since the middle of last month, too, and I'd like to. At some point I need to poke various people about jobs as well, since I was supposed to hear from a couple of people this week who haven't spoken to me yet.
So many things to do and people to see, and only seven days in a week. I'm glad I've had a few days off just to relax.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Well, things got easier all of a sudden.

Yesterday I was supposed to be helping Mountain get all of our things out of storage and into Nice Guy's house, since he's jobless and can't afford to pay for it, and nor can I. Let's just say things didn't go particularly well. He decided that the fact that it hadn't occurred to me to be explicit about the fact that there wasn't a driveway was a malicious waste of his time (despite the fact that there was space meters away across the road) and insisted on driving everything *back* to the storage unit. So then, with not much other option, I'm helping to unpack the van again, and I don't realise that the box I'm tugging on is under another one, that has dislodged during the journey and isn't closed any more. Out tumble a lot of CDs, and next thing I know, he's blown his top entirely and insisting that I leave, without my belongings, and without the van, which is in my name, and paid for on my debit card - clearly not something I'm actually going to do, since I can't afford to risk the money on his returning the thing, so I refuse.

That was when, ironically he made things easy for me - by deciding to become the world's biggest arsehole.

Next thing I know, he's kindly offering to break my fingers for me, if I won't move from the van doorway, or my legs. I'm not the sort of girl that responds well to being threatened, so I stand my ground, and this is when he hits me. Not a slap, like you would a hysterical person, no. Not a push, nor a half-hearted blow, but since conveniently for him, I was standing in the van, at roughly his eye level, a perfect well-weighted punch right into my right knee. The bad one. The one place he could hit that he knew would hurt most, and longest.
And he's not backing down, and I still can't leave without the van, so now I'm calling 999 for help, in utter disbelief. And he's looking at me like he can't believe what I'm doing to him, telling me to my face that he never touched me, and that he can't believe I'm playing the 'gender card', because I'm telling the police that here is a guy I used to know, who is twice my height, twice my weight and knows how to fight, and is threatening to harm me, and lord knows what else, and already has.

The police helped me get out of there with at least some of my belongings and the van, and my safety, and asked me if I wanted to press charges, he'd be arrested on a domestic violence charge. I just couldn't bring myself to, but I'm still wondering if it was the wrong choice.

Now I have a lovely purple bruise on my right knee, right at the base of my femur, where it crumbles, to remind me of what I've gone through, and my knee throbs like crazy, but I feel... relieved. No more indecision, no more limbo, no more mooning around wistfully missing what I had. I just never see him again. Simple. Getting over things will take time, but now I know it's the right decision. He has my laptop, still, and a bunch more of my belongings, and owes me a few thousand pounds, but really that feels like small beans at the moment, compared to having at least most of my limbs and my sanity intact.

So thanks, Mountain, for showing me your true colours, and making my life that much easier.

Scaredycat is here now, and was an immense help last night, and this morning, with getting the van and everything sorted out. (and hey, what do you know? We parked the van in the road outside NG's house while we unpacked.) Today we've had a day on the sofa, eating icecream and watching movies, and just... being safe, and recovering.
Nice Guy is back on saturday, and I'm looking forward to seeing him, and providing some much needed hugs, as I know he's been worrying about me.

I'm looking forward to getting on with my life again.
