Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Three men, two days

Tuesday morning: just a quick post today, as I'm off out walking later and want to get something picnic-able ready, and find some sensible clothes to wear for scrambling up hills.

Yesterday with Cad was lovely, I was glad I didn't cancel in the end. We did get some photos in, which at the very least was good practice, and of course, there was nudity involved. He made me blush a little with the comment "It's worth driving three hours for a blowjob that good". Apart from the orgasms (fantastic as they were -gosh that man is good with his hands!), it was nice to catch up and just have a good chat. Looks like I probably won't get to see him again before I move, so we made it a goodbye, as well.
Hopefully he will come to visit after, but he expects to be bringing his girlfriend, who looks now to be a permanent fixture, so yesterday may very well have been our last play together. I intend to stay in touch, at any rate, it's been a good friendship as much as anything else, and I don't like to lose that.

After Cad left, I looked over photos in my studio for a bit, then my partner, Tallboy, came home earlyish. We headed to the kitchen to get food, and ended up having fabulous noisy sex bent over the kitchen stool - Ah the joys of no longer having a shared house!
Had a good evening out as well. (Noticed one of our other friends looking at me in an interesting way, shame we don't have more time left in the area, or else I might have followed it up, I haven't been involved with a couple for ages.)

Looking forward to seeing Busybee. I think today might be my goodbye from him, as well. Although I will possibly get to see him again before we go a few times, I know things will be different from now on. Knowing that our friendship had a 'best before' date from the start doesn't make it any easier. I've got very attached to him over the last few months, and I am very glad we have a promise that will force us to keep in touch. Busybee has affected me and my life in quite a lot of ways, and I rather think of him, and some of the people he has introduced me to, as a part of my family.

Ok, this post is starting to ramble, and I am getting sentimental. Better go and make some tea and rummage to see what I can find in the fridge.
Things will probably calm down after today anyway, as I am working in the office the rest of the week, and have a minor operation on friday, so I'll probably be recuperating for a few days, then perhaps I can post some excerpts from my old paper diary, and start explaining how I got here.


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Blogger Southern said...

As a previous comment was made, a bit confusing. Imagination or reality..if either way, certainly does spark some interest.
Reminds me of a trip I had to the UK years back, to a conference in which several ladies seemed to be trying to make their mind up about who was bedding who.

June 06, 2006 11:33 pm  
Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

All reality, I can assure you. Identities are protected because my lovers are not the sort of people to shout from the rooftops, but nonetheless they exist.
Any suggestions as to how I can un-confuse welcomed.
As for your conference -polyamory means not having to make a choice!
Glad you found interesting enough to comment, anyway.

June 07, 2006 9:20 am  

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