Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Still out of the city, still celibate. Looking after myself, but kindof lonely. (Friends are sympathetic, but not really understanding my situation. ) Watched the last couple of chapters of the Secretary, having found it in Lawyer's collection, and of course, I cried.

Going back to the City on Thursday. I'm a bit ambivalent about it, really. Not sure what to expect, or even to hope for. I still feel I want time off from relationships, but working at the moment means being in the City, which means Mountain and Nice Guy, and that's a pain.
I'm so tired of again and again being pushed to choose between people I care about. I always thought the point of being poly ought to be my not having to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hope you'll manage to find some sort of solution to your dilemma soon enough.


June 17, 2008 12:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am sad... Life isn't easy... and sex has a lot to answer for! I get the feeling that most of all it should be enjoyable, fun... but it's very easy for it not to be that at all. And crap like work, money etc keep getting in the way of a happy life

I think you're very strong, to live with an ex and be celibate. I wish you well, and good luck sorting things out. I'll help as I can...


June 18, 2008 9:29 am  

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