Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Tying up loose ends (and un-tying knots)

Mountain and I only just got around to composing an email for friends announcing our un-gagement, only two months after the fact. This is how busy we've been! Still, I think it's fantastic that, not only do we still want to be together, but we're happier than ever, despite the stress and strain of packing and moving and not having enough time to do everything.

I'm meeting Nice Guy for lunch tomorrow, giving him back his keys (not much point having them if I'm going to be on a different continent, after all!), and exchanging a couple of other odds and ends, plus making our goodbyes. Not as much time as I'd hoped, but as always we've left things to the last minute and underestimated the time they needed.

Cancelled our plans to go out to the cinema tonight for some much needed us-time. We've been too fraught to do anything other than come home and go straight to sleep the last few days, get up, go to work, go out til late, then repeat. I can't wait til all the packing is over and we're on the plane heading away from all of this!

Seeing Duchess tomorrow night, too, and at least managed a quick catch up with Miss Sunshine on the phone yesterday. I'll miss everyone back here, but I'm already looking forward to catching up and sharing stories when we get back.

Hooray for optimism!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see at least one of us manages to be an optimist. Seems a bit too hard for me at the moment eventhough I sort of promised to try it out this year. Just seems a bit worthless to do it now when the person who encouraged me to try it feels no need to offer me any support anymore.

Anyway, have a wonderful time abroad!


January 10, 2008 10:59 am  

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