Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I'm still processing events from last week, and from the last few months. Slowly resolving how I feel about things. At the moment mostly tired, sad, a bit cheated. A lot of the things I was feeling before, but a little more detached from it all.

Nice Guy has been lovely again, as has Tallboy - he came round for dinner with both of us last night before flying back to the Goldfish Bowl, which was rather good, and I had the sweetest text from Polymath (who hasn't answered his emails this week, however... *nudge*). I'm still finding myself a bit paranoid though - it seems to be contagious. The whole mess with Mountain has made me doubt everything I've ever believed about people and my own character judgement, and I'm constantly metaphorically and literally looking over my shoulder at the moment (and have developed some rather Tourette's like symptoms as a result, since I tend to swear when I catch myself doing it).

Ah well, there is plenty of distraction. NG has a visitor from tomorrow for the next few days, and we're going to see Avenue Q (for the third time, in my case, but it really is good so I don't mind a bit). Then there's Polyday and my Gay Fiancee's housewarming at the weekend, which I'm really looking forward to. And at some point I'm hoping to catch up with Optimus, who moved to the City as of yesterday, but will be running around like a thing that runs around a lot for a few months, apparently. I realise I've not seen Miss or Mr Matrix since the middle of last month, too, and I'd like to. At some point I need to poke various people about jobs as well, since I was supposed to hear from a couple of people this week who haven't spoken to me yet.
So many things to do and people to see, and only seven days in a week. I'm glad I've had a few days off just to relax.


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