Sunday, November 25, 2007

Huge Events

I can't believe it's a month since I blogged, but in another sense I can't believe it's only been a month, considering everything that's going on in my life. I am going to try and change the way I do this again - shorter entries, and more regular, as there's just no way I can keep backtracking so far.

Over the last month, I've run around all over the country, met up with more friends and more than friends (Miss Sunshine, Tigger, Missy...) whom I haven't seen in ages, and had some relative bombshells.

I'm still struggling with the housing issue - the housemate that had disappeared with our money over the summer has either left or been evicted, and nobody is quite sure which. The landlords seem to be refusing entirely to communicate with us, and we've lost our broadband connection at home. I'm visiting the place about once a week now, and spending most of my time either at Mountain's flat, or in Nice Guy's house. I fully expect to hear more talk of eviction before the month is out, and I'm preparing to move before I'm pushed. Especially since it looks like I'm going to be out of the country again very shortly.

It's been a year of learning, this one, and part of what I've learned is that love is a much bigger part of who I am than I had realised. I've gone from being determinedly single to having two primary partners - again - it seems to be almost a natural state for me. So I'm arranging schedules like a plate spinner, with some inevitable cock-ups, but in general poly seems to be working for me still. I'm blessedly lucky to be in love with two men who feel the same way about me, and who each respect my relationship with the other. I wish we could spend more time all together, but I guess you can't have everything!

Things with Nice Guy are somewhat back on track - I had a massive panic last weekend, when I entirely wrongly predicted how he would respond to news about my relationship with Mountain, and nearly called it a day before he had a chance to react, but blessedly he picked the perfect time to snap back to being the mature, self-possessed and balanced man that I first fell for, and we are perhaps stronger than we were before.

The news about Mountain: We have decided to become 'Un-gaged' - Over a glorious weekend out of the City, he asked me to Not marry him, and I said yes. The point being that while neither of us believe in marriage, we see no reason why we should have to lose out on hen nights and stag parties, and the whole shebang, so we intend to celebrate our us-ness in as honest and as 'us' a fashion as we can. Invitations to our detrothal party will be sent out when we can figure out when to hold it.
The other news about me and Mountain: We are going to be leaving the country for just over three months, as of mid-January, to France for a week, and then to Canada. I will definitely have web access for the Canada part of the journey (no way I could live that long without it), and I will have fewer distractions, so with any luck I might actually manage to update *more* often, rather than less. I have a lot of philosophising that I want to do that I've been putting off since around April, so it's not that I'll have nothing to say.
I'm going to miss NG like crazy, and The City, but it's going to be a fantastic trip and an amazing opportunity to cloister myself in a cabin and Get Some Work Done in gorgeous surroundings, so there's no way I could pass it up.

I'm also looking forward to spending Christmas with Optimus and his parents, who I think are fantastic. Lovely, open-minded and creative people - he invited me when he was in the City, and it sounded so perfect and idyllic I couldn't think of a better place to be. We have plans to catch me up on the childrens books I missed when I was little (because I was too busy reading encyclopaedias) and generally be cute and fluffy and forget about the big cynical outside world for a few days.

Me, optimistic? Maybe a little...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear what you've been up to. I've been wondering actually what you've been doing since I haven't seen you around much. I know I always could've send an e-mail or a text message to ask, but been too lazy since I've had so much else on mind as well. Glad to hear you've been enjoying yourself and that things are going mostly well for you.

And I'm definitely happy for the opportunity you got. Can't wait to see the results! But I still have to admit that I'm going to miss you while you're gone. Especially if I won't be getting many chances to talk to you. Even three months is such a long time to wait if you're missing someone.


November 26, 2007 3:48 pm  

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