Wish I could get used to this...
In which there is much pleasantness, for a change.
Nice Guy often tries to pretend he isn't really nice - and occasionally even succeeds. So when I saw this gorgeous drawing, I was rather reminded of him (especially since that's the face he pulls sometimes when I call him a Nice Guy, tee hee).
Do check out the link, it's well worth reading the little description that goes with the picture, and of course the larger version!
Anyway, I ended up staying over at NG's house again last night. T was playing on the computer, as usual, and I wanted to go out, so I went with NG to the pub, and as is frequent habit followed him back home afterwards, and got the surliest invitation to stay the night ever - I swear my eyebrows nearly popped off my forehead they raised so high, but I grinned at the forthrightness of it, and hopped into bed. Never was one to pass up a good hug.
Fast forward to now, it is some 12 hours since I left his place, and I swear I am still glowing a little. I think every day should start with multiple orgasms, tea and bacon sandwiches. Call me shallow, but if I could have that *every* morning, I might actually start to consider monogamy (and admittedly, probably discount it, since I'd miss whichever gender I wasn't seeing, but hey, it's still a statement!).
Still, bacon sandwiches or not, I have promised myself I will be single for at least the next year after I am out of here, and I will be leaving in not that many weeks. Guess I will be making my own breakfasts for a while!
Haven't seen much of T today, I got home at lunchtime and he rushed out, and then I have been working on an urgent project non-stop since, with just this brief break to catch up online. I feel somewhat guilty about it, but then I remember we aren't 'together' any more, and I don't quite know what to feel - it will be strange being more like house mates 'til January, when we had been a couple for so long, and we are both still working out how we feel about each other, I think.
At least he seems to be ok with my spending more time with NG. Life would be pretty lonely at the moment, otherwise, I think. Maybe it's paranoia, but I am feeling quite excluded from everyone else's social life in the goldfish bowl - I am starting to wonder if people are avoiding me because of Indiscreet Guy, and my new reputation as an I-don't-know-what.
Thanks heavens for Tuesday - I am heading back home for a couple of weeks, and get to see people that know me, and love, or at least accept me for who I am. I can't wait.
Nice Guy often tries to pretend he isn't really nice - and occasionally even succeeds. So when I saw this gorgeous drawing, I was rather reminded of him (especially since that's the face he pulls sometimes when I call him a Nice Guy, tee hee).

Do check out the link, it's well worth reading the little description that goes with the picture, and of course the larger version!
Anyway, I ended up staying over at NG's house again last night. T was playing on the computer, as usual, and I wanted to go out, so I went with NG to the pub, and as is frequent habit followed him back home afterwards, and got the surliest invitation to stay the night ever - I swear my eyebrows nearly popped off my forehead they raised so high, but I grinned at the forthrightness of it, and hopped into bed. Never was one to pass up a good hug.
Fast forward to now, it is some 12 hours since I left his place, and I swear I am still glowing a little. I think every day should start with multiple orgasms, tea and bacon sandwiches. Call me shallow, but if I could have that *every* morning, I might actually start to consider monogamy (and admittedly, probably discount it, since I'd miss whichever gender I wasn't seeing, but hey, it's still a statement!).
Still, bacon sandwiches or not, I have promised myself I will be single for at least the next year after I am out of here, and I will be leaving in not that many weeks. Guess I will be making my own breakfasts for a while!
Haven't seen much of T today, I got home at lunchtime and he rushed out, and then I have been working on an urgent project non-stop since, with just this brief break to catch up online. I feel somewhat guilty about it, but then I remember we aren't 'together' any more, and I don't quite know what to feel - it will be strange being more like house mates 'til January, when we had been a couple for so long, and we are both still working out how we feel about each other, I think.
At least he seems to be ok with my spending more time with NG. Life would be pretty lonely at the moment, otherwise, I think. Maybe it's paranoia, but I am feeling quite excluded from everyone else's social life in the goldfish bowl - I am starting to wonder if people are avoiding me because of Indiscreet Guy, and my new reputation as an I-don't-know-what.
Thanks heavens for Tuesday - I am heading back home for a couple of weeks, and get to see people that know me, and love, or at least accept me for who I am. I can't wait.
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