Friday, November 03, 2006

Oops, but Mmm, and 11 Things

Missed my only commitment of the morning because I was in Nice Guy's kitchen, too busy enjoying myself to go elsewhere - revenge, I think for my making him late for work yesterday.

Still, I cannot fault a man who provides bacon sandwiches, multiple cups of tea, and other things of a multiple nature, all before 11am.

I have been reading all over the web it seems like, this meme called '11 Things', and I don't dare post it anywhere else, but for catharsis, my anonymous blog seems like a good place!

The rules:

* List 11 things you want to say to 11 different people.

* Don't say who they pertain to.

* Feel free to comment, but don't confirm or answer anything.

* Never discuss it again.

(they are in mostly randomised order)

1. I often wonder if I should have slept with you after all, instead of turning you down because I thought you'd regret it, and whether it would have changed anything. I wish I saw more of you. I also wish you would stop pulling those damned ugly faces all the time, because otherwise you're actually quite sexy!

2. I am trying very hard to not care about two of you, because I think you might be secretly trying to destroy your own lives. I hope you both prove me wrong.

3. I sometimes wonder if I am more attracted to the idea of you than to the real person.

4. It was a relief when you found someone else. Now I don't feel responsible for you any more.

5. I sometimes think I left to get away from you. I wonder if someday I will stop caring about you, and then you will chase me, instead of vice versa. I worry almost every day that your existence makes me a hypocrite.

6. I wish I had met you ten years later.

7. I wish I had met you ten years earlier.

8. I can't remember if I slept with you or not, and I daren't actually ask.

9. I am sorry I lied about whether I had sex with you, but I hope you at least appreciated my cover story telling everyone you were well-endowed.

10. I haven't felt anywhere near so attracted to you since I found out you were more talk than action.

11. I know it is impossible, but I still fantasize about being the father of your baby. I still don't hate him though, for taking you away, I just want to kiss him for making you happy. I can't help but keep hoping that some day we will be friends.

(12. I lied to you, and I'm only sorry that I'm not actually sorry. It's not as if you'll ever know. I am not sure whether I have learned my lesson or not.)

Oops, ran over by one - it's surprisingly hard to stop once you really get going!

I notice, reading through after myself, that they are almost all sex-related. I guess I really do have a one-track mind, but that is what this blog is about! Still, my lovers and friends are like family to me, and I am grateful for every one.


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