Monday, January 01, 2007

Starting as I mean to go on.

In which I make a new year's resolution, and confess to an unusual inspirational figure.

That is, this year I will look after myself, and do what I want to do, not what anyone tells me I want.

My mantra?

If Britney Spears can have a pop career, I can do or be whatever the hell I want.

An odd choice, perhaps, for an inspirational figure, but look at it this way - the girl can't sing live for toffee (I strongly suspect she can't actually sing at all), she defaults to greasy, spotty slob-likeness at the drop of a hat, as the tabloids can tell you, and she isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box, and yet there she is, every few months, dragging herself back out of her pit, crash dieting, exercising and miming away to her pre-recorded nonsense to appear on stage as a sex symbol and pop star - could a girl be more unsuited for fame? Probably not very. Does it stop her? Does it hell.
Sure, she no doubt has a manager nagging at her to get on with it, as well, but ultimately if being on stage wasn't something the girl wanted, she could have dropped into comfortable obscurity long ago. I think it begs a certain amount of respect that she just keeps on getting back up there.

I wouldn't buy her albums, but every time I see Britney on TV, or in the papers, I just think "If she can, then anybody can."

2007 is the Year of Me. I have made a promise to myself that I will be formally single for the year, having not been really on my own in relationship terms for more than a fortnight in my entire adult life.
This is the year where I take a step back, take stock, learn to look after myself again all on my own, and with a bit of luck, get some way farther towards figuring out some sort of career plan (even if it is just to confirm the inkling I have that I neither want, nor need an actual 'career', as such).

Well, it all sounds good. Just need to keep reminding myself that I am capable, intelligent, attractive and above all independent, and I can carve my own path through life. And if Britney can do it, I sure as hell can.

Tonight was New Year's celebrations at Nice Guy's house. A small party, just a few friends and neighbours, and of course including T (my very recent ex who I am still living with). A lovely, cosy evening, with much friendly banter, playful flirtation, and of course lots of food and drink. I got dressed up just for the hell of it, in full-on Jessica Rabbit style, which at least NG seemed to rather appreciate, and gosh it is nice to be appreciated, but in the end of the evening, here I am, in my own room, all alone, and entirely by my own choice. This is me time.
No doubt I will have an abundance of this in the coming months, but having been juggling so many other peoples issues for so long, I am starting to see it as a blessed relief, rather than something to be avoided.

The sun will be rising, shortly, on the first day of the new year, MY year, and I find myself watching the east with my newly rediscovered sense of curiosity as to what the next few months will hold. Right now though, I am going to stick to my resolution of looking after myself, and that means bed and sleep.

Happy New Year, everybody!



Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is going to sound weird, but why not consider Jesus?

Make it your resolution to seek him out this year. If you find him you can always say 'get stuffed'!

The thing I love the most about being a Christian is the fact that I am secure in myself. I've been single all my life, and when I feel shitty about this (what's wrong with me? do my incredible good looks frighten women? why doesn't anyone love me? etc etc) I can fall back on the fact that God loves me beyond what I can imagine.
When you build you life on things that won't last, things can seem to collapse around you, so build your life on God the rock!
I build my life on both, but God never fails me!

P.S. Hope I don't sound too forward, and I didn't mean to offend.
Any comments?

January 01, 2007 5:00 am  
Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

Rob, I was brought up with a faintly christian background, and have moved well away from it. I can't help feeling that Jesus was probably a very decent guy, but about as much the son of god as I am. Having thoroughly read the book your religion is based on, the politest thing I can say is that it's not for me. I was the child in Sunday school who asked awkward questions like 'what's a virgin?' and 'if god can do anything, why do nasty things happen?' and later, 'what on earth is so wrong about eg. sodomy, polyamory, sex before marriage, coveting any part of your neighbour*?

I plan on building my life on things that will last my own lifetime: namely, me and my own internal values, not on those imposed by an imaginary figure invented by committee a couple of thousand years back and badly translated.

Sorry if I offend as well, just find this is a subject that gets me riled up.

(*joke, yes i do know what that one really was about)

January 18, 2007 10:10 pm  

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