I'm sitting in Nice Guy's front room doing some work and just watched a turquoise long wheel base van pull up and park directly outside the house, which reminded me that I hadn't updated here in a while.
I haven't got a whole lot of time as I'm off out to see some friends this evening, but I just wanted to pop a message up to the effect that I'm doing okay. I've had concerned messages from a few people, and I will admit I was a mess for a good (or bad) long while, but I've got myself a job, I'm doing some enforced saving since I got my wallet stolen and don't have an account card right now, but that's maybe a good thing, too, as it means I'll have a flat deposit all the sooner. I'm getting into a routine with things, and I'm finally starting to feel... well, actually quite optimistic about things.
I'll catch up in more detail later, as it's been six weeks and there's been a lot going on in my mind, but to all of you who care about me and read this - I'm doing fine, and thankyou.