Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

It has been an interesting week - my birthday yesterday, though I kept it fairly quiet. It was a good day with interesting people, including a fascinating guy I met at CCK, who took me out for the best hot chocolate I have had in the British Isles, and a very actively christian friend of mine from Dullsville, where my family live, who was extremely entertaining. Another glorious bunch of flowers from Nice Guy made me smile as well, and I have now officially run out of places to put any more! My room does smell rather gorgeously of lilies, now, though, and they brighten the place up marvellously, so that is not a complaint in the slightest.

Monday was a rather wistful social evening with Busybee and Duchess, Sunday evening was spent with my Gay Fiancee, who is always fabulous, and going back to Saturday I found myself seduced by a married couple, much to my surprise.

This evening has been a rather interesting one too - I will go into details later once I discover quite how anonymous my companion for the evening would like to be. I will probably type up the entries from my paper diary and backdate them for the last few days, as it really has been a fascinating few days.

I think I am going to love being in the City - so much more access to people with whom I can explore my sexuality, and places where it is safe to do so - and I do seem to have a lot of sexuality to explore!

A slight down on the week has made me a bit stressed, that I am now looking actively for another place to live, having been priced out of my existing flat. Hopefully I will find myself a good sized room and some open-minded housemates, and it will turn out to be a good thing in the long term, but it is a little unsettling at the moment moving around so much.

Off to bed now, as I have a lot of catching up with myself to do tomorrow, but hope to be back again in the morning.


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Friday, February 16, 2007

Single on Valentines Day

So I am back in the City, as of silly o'clock on Monday morning, and starting to get my feet closer to the ground.
Monday was spent mostly sleeping, and Tuesday unpacking, food shopping, and working on a little V-day project I had planned but left myself little time to complete (there were things I had needed to fetch from the Goldfish Bowl to get it done, so I didn't have much option there). I finished work after midnight, and then suddenly it was Valentines day. I opened my one valentines card, from the lovely Nice Guy, wished he and a number of other sweeties a happy V-day online, and retired to a bed half occupied by a very sleepy Duchess, who had come over to crash again after work.

Wednesday proper was of course still Valentines, and having woken up early, I decided to surprise my pretty lady friend with a special breakfast - bacon sandwiches and tea on a pink covered tray with matching cup, and a pretty pink rose to match - would have been the more surprising had she not wandered into the kitchen midway through my preparing it, but the thought counted, I think, and it was served in bed. We spent much of the morning looking through what's on pages to decide what to do later, and eventually gave up and went out for coffee and shopping. Overdid it slightly, though, as by the time we got back to change ready for our night out as single girls she was too tired to go. So not only was I single - I was on my own. Darn.

All was not lost though - I still wanted to go out, and I realised I did at least know one place where I could go out alone and have a good time. Coffee, Cake and Kink is, I swear, the best cafe in the world, at least for a girl like me, and I could happily live there. They were serving chocolate fondue in honour of valentines day, mostly aimed at couples, but when I wandered in on my own, the staff were (as always) so welcoming, and so friendly, they actually made a dinky half-size fondue just for me, using a sugar bowl to melt the chocolate in, and I must say it was worth every penny.
I had a fantastic evening out, enjoyed treating myself, and chatting for hours to staff and customers alike, and eventually left well after their advertised closing time, full of chocolate and fruit and tea, and with a possible date for hot chocolate next week. (Single doesn't mean I can't coffee-date, right? Just not being exclusive, hooray!)

Have been in more than daily contact with Nice Guy since I got back here. I must admit, single or no, it is lovely to really know that someone cares about you. I woke up from a nap around lunchtime to a knock on the door and the most gorgeous arrangement of flowers I had ever seen in person, in their own vase and addressed to me - NG had been feeling a little sentimental yesterday, apparently, and had ordered them on a whim. I have to admit I was rather overcome. The fact that I couldn't run and hug him to say thankyou rather brought home the physical distance between us right now, and that made me sad a little, but the sentiment of the gift made me very happy.

A busy weekend coming up now, so I shall get on, but I do want to say - A happy belated V-day to you all!


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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Plane Hopping and Bed Hopping

It's been a few days since I managed to get any length of time to myself in front of a web connection, so I haven't been keeping up with myself lately. Having run around the country back home catching up with many friends and loved ones, I am back in the Goldfish Bowl for a week, having booked the flights on a whim, with the assistance of the ever so suited to his nickname Nice Guy, who did the booking part, and paid for half of the flights.

Not only that, the sweet and thoughtful NG also booked a hotel for the night I arrived, as a very lovely surprise, so that we only had a few minute drive that night, instead of the two hour one I was expecting, and yesterday he arranged for us to go flying in a small plane with a friend who is a pilot, which was rather fantastic, and also totally unexpected. Spending time with him makes me so happy, I just want so much to give the same back. Must keep this one, oh yes.

I had been a bit nervous about coming back so soon, especially with the rather odd situation with T, and the old fashioned environment that means we are all still being very quiet about our relationship status, but it has been an absolutely wonderful few days, and promises to continue being so. It will be hard to leave again, but at least I know I will see NG again in march, when he comes to see me, which I am already looking forward to immensely, and I should be back out here again in June for a visit - I might not want to live here, but it is a gorgeous place to visit.

Tonight we are having a video night, that is myself, Nice Guy, and T, which I am really rather looking forward to. Feel a tiny bit guilty that it was meant to be T's night alone, but he made no noises objecting when I suggested it. Would like to stay over at his anyway, but I guess I will see how it goes. To some extent I have given up on the boy - I have said many times to him that I am always open to hear what he has to say, so if he wanted more time, or to do something different I would hope that he'd tell me, but I still suspect he would more likely think things and not say them. Still, it was nice that his response when I said I was coming back for a visit, and asked if he'd like to see me was 'That would be nice', rather than a worry or a grumble.
As long as T is happy, then I really couldn't care less what the rest of the Goldfish Bowl thinks.

Now that we are separated by a bit more distance, it is getting easier to remember the good things about my time with T, and what we loved about each other, rather than the negatives, and we have gone back to accepting each other as-is instead of trying to make changes. I am remembering why I loved him, and why I still do. I am grateful that even though we were breaking up in the sense of not wanting to be in a primary relationship any more, he has still done his best to be understanding and supportive and civil, even when we are arguing about details, as have I. It makes me feel so proud of both of us, that we have gone through so much difficult emotional stuff and still managed in some way to be there for each other, and not drag anyone else into our troubles either. It just brings home to me all the more why I loved him in the first place, and why I still want him in my life.

Gosh, it has taken me far too long to draft this, I have been meandering. Will probably be offline until I get back home, which will be monday - three flights in a week, that must surely make me part of the jet set! So here's looking forward to a good weekend!
